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Olive Oil vs. Coconut Oil for your heart

Coconut vs. Olive Oil

Coconut oil is enjoying its moment of fame. Blog posts on the internet tout it as a magical cure-all but is coconut oil heart healthy? 

The Cleveland Clinic offers this excellent graphic comparing olive oil and coconut oil. 



 In summary:

  • Olive Oil is mostly heart healthy monounsaturated fat while coconut oil is mostly saturated fat.
  • The FDA and the American Heart Association have encouraged Americans to replace saturated fats with monounsaturated in their diets.
  • Olive oil’s health benefits are well documented. There is no good evidence for adding coconut oil to your diet.
  • Extra virgin coconut oil is just as bad for you as regular coconut oil. Meanwhile, extra virgin olive oil and regular olive oil are both good for your heart.


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