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The North American Olive Oil Association is leading the fight against the tariffs because American consumers, food manufacturers and restaurants depend on olive oil as a delicious, heart healthy food - a staple of American kitchens. The tariffs are an important issue for the industry, but also for American consumers.  And American media if finally taking notice with recent stories on CBS-New York and National Public Radio, among others.

Lisa Rozner of CBS News New York reported on the tariff and the impact that it could have on the American consumers. Watch her video segment to learn more about the issue.


Mary Louise Kelly and Scott Horsley or NPR reported on the tariff and the possible unintended consequences that it may have. Listen or read the full transcript.

The international media has also reported on the tariff. Italian media interviewed members of the North American Olive Oil Association last month about the tariffs. Watch Executive Director Joseph R. Profaci's remarks below. You can also watch remarks by Marco de Ceglie, CEO – SALOV NA Corp and Bob Bauer, President of NAOOA.

It is imperative that we get the word out to consumers about the potential tariffs and for our elected officials to hear from the public.

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